“In addition to acorns and grains, pigs happily devour that which most disgusts us – rotting garbage, feces, carrion, even human corpses. Of all the animals commonly eaten by humans, the pig is the only one that will return the favor.”
“In addition to acorns and grains, pigs happily devour that which most disgusts us – rotting garbage, feces, carrion, even human corpses. Of all the animals commonly eaten by humans, the pig is the only one that will return the favor.”
Nick Baker has been a very busy “bug boy” recently. Not only was his Nick Baker’s Bug Book: Discover the World of the Mini-beast! recently published in England by Bloomsbury as part of The Wildlife Trusts series (with U.S. publication forthcoming this June), his Nick Baker’s British Wildlife: A Month-by-Month Guide was also reissued this past February […]
There was a time when I would have begun any essay or notice pertaining to Bill Oddie with a reference to the title of the much-beloved comedy in which he famously appeared. However after reading the forward of his new book I have come to realize jut how unjust to all the work he has done since that time such persistent references have by now become.
Long before John James Audubon began to chronicle the wildlife of North America in his paintings, Mark Catesby had already undertaken such a project and as a result produced The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands.