I’ve only recently begun listening to the Royal Horticultural Society’s “Gardening with the RHS” podcast but in that short time I’ve become quite fond of it.
I’ve only recently begun listening to the Royal Horticultural Society’s “Gardening with the RHS” podcast but in that short time I’ve become quite fond of it.
If you are already familiar with Wardian cases, you’ll be delighted with this opportunity to learn the fascinating history of their discovery and development. And if you’re unfamiliar with them, this book will introduce you to one of the most on-the-surface mundane but in reality most world-changing technological innovations of the nineteenth century.
One of the great treats of attending scholarly events is the presence of university presses and other academic publishers who – on occasion – will have with them a copy of a highly anticipated forthcoming book for examination. Such was the good luck I had recently at Entomology 2017 with the forthcoming second edition of “Garden Insects of North America” by Whitney Cranshaw and David Shetlar.
Natural history podcast enthusiasts will be very pleased to learn that Timber Press, the acclaimed Portland, Oregon based publisher of books on gardening, ornamental and edible horticulture, garden design, sustainability, natural history, and the Pacific Northwest in general, has begun a regularly updated podcast.