Discovered in 1837 in Guiana and named for the newly crowned Queen Victoria of England, Victoria regia – the enormous Amazonian water lily now known as Victoria amazonica – became the botanical obsession of Victorian England.
Discovered in 1837 in Guiana and named for the newly crowned Queen Victoria of England, Victoria regia – the enormous Amazonian water lily now known as Victoria amazonica – became the botanical obsession of Victorian England.
Such a wide-angle overview of nature is only possible for a limited geographic area if the book in which it is contained is to be sufficiently compact to fit into a jacket pocket or field bag; which is why the Kaufmans limited the scope of this field guide to the nature of just New England.
As ants are ubiquitous, active, fascinating, and generally quite easy to watch, they are often one of the first creatures a young budding naturalist comes to discover. Unfortunately, much of the literature about them is written by those who already have a considerable level of understanding of these creatures (the ants, not the budding naturalists) […]
“Delightful!” That was the very first word I uttered upon closing the back cover of Patrick Barkham’s The Butterfly Isles; A Summer in Search of Our Emperors and Admirals.