For the past decade, the subject of global warming has been a touchy one to say the least. To some it is a simple fact supported by reams of scientific data, to others it is fear-mongering fiction promoted by “environmentalist radicals.”
For the past decade, the subject of global warming has been a touchy one to say the least. To some it is a simple fact supported by reams of scientific data, to others it is fear-mongering fiction promoted by “environmentalist radicals.”
Too small to be seen in detail without a strong hand lens and existing in a layer of atmosphere surrounding all terrestrial objects that is too subtle for our crude senses to perceive, mosses flourish throughout the world playing roles in the global ecosystem that we are only beginning to understand.
Falconry, steeped as it is in tradition and solitary as its practice out of necessity must be, is an enigma wrapped in a mystery.
Being a book reviewer is difficult enough these days… what with more and more of the print media reducing or even entirely eliminating the amount of space they dedicate to news and reviews of recently published books, more and more of the information available to the public regarding the subject is now to be found […]