As with so many naturalists today, my first love in the world of natural history studies was dinosaurs. As a boy, I would expound upon these remarkable creatures ad nauseam to anyone willing or foolishly indulgent enough to listen.
New and forthcoming books that are worthy of attention but that have not yet been fully reviewed.
As with so many naturalists today, my first love in the world of natural history studies was dinosaurs. As a boy, I would expound upon these remarkable creatures ad nauseam to anyone willing or foolishly indulgent enough to listen.
One of the many benefits of cannabis being made legal for recreational use in twenty-four U.S. states and the District of Columbia is that for the first time since it was made illegal nationally in the country under the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 it can now be discussed with both reason and rationality amongst serious-minded people.
In this collection of paintings, very few of which have been previously published, Herr Bauer, better known for his paintings of botanical subjects, shows himself to be a superb ornithological artist as well in his ability to capture the small details of his subjects.
For good or for ill, and I’m of the opinion that it is not entirely one or the other, with the development of various technologies and changes in the way the natural world was viewed, many societies have become quite literally disenchanted. And yet…