Caspian Terns, Hydroprogne caspia, congregating atop a waterfront warehouse roof in Astoria, Oregon.

There is quite a significant colony of these birds in the Astoria area, a portion of which have taken to gathering on the rooftop of one of the buildings owned by Astoria Warehousing along the town’s waterfront. While birds on a rooftop are not normally that difficult to photograph, the nearly flat roof made it necessary to position myself at quite a distance away in order to get a clear image of the birds. This image was recorded while I was standing on an old railroad trestle bridge that crosses the now flooded site of a nearby former fish cannery.

Digiscoped image with the spotting scope eyepiece set at its highest (50x) magnification level.


Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS camera

Swarovski ATS 80 HD spotting scope

Swarovski 25-50x W eyepiece

Swarovski UCA (Universal Camera Adapter)

Swarovski Carbon CT101 tripod