For just about a year now, many of the photos and videos published on Born Again Bird Watcher have been made possible by the Wingscapes BirdCam. Had I been required to sit with camera in hand, assumedly in a blind or hide, for each of these images to be recorded, I doubt I would have had time to write (or for that matter do much else) nearly as much or as frequently as I have been able to do. The BirdCam’s basic quality of “set it and forget it” has been a true blessing in the recording of the birds not only visiting the feeders maintained on our property in Scappoose, but the birds abiding in the various locations around the country to which I have easily toted and temporarily set up the BirdCam as well.

There is much that can be written about the BirdCam’s merits, published for the purpose of convincing you the reader of the benefits that could be had by the person to whom you might give a BirdCam for a holiday gift, that would be entirely appropriate here. I could write about its weather-resistant design, environmental durability, long battery life, quick and easy out-of-the-box set-up, or widely customizable program settings; however when it comes right down to it, the best argument for the BirdCam is the images that can be recorded by using it. For that purpose, I present a sample of three of my favorites (thus far) that make the argument far more eloquently than words ever could.

Should these images move you to purchase a Wingscapes BirdCam this holiday season for the birdwatcher in your life, or should you simply wish to reward yourself for being extra-good this year, the good folks at Wingscapes would like to offer you a present as well. They are presently offering two special holiday packages: one including the BirdCam Mounting Arm, and one including the BirdCam Mounting Arm and the BirdCam Tripod – both including many other helpful accessories as well.

Peace and good bird watching.