After a week in Panama birding from before dawn until dusk, then a pair of airline flights and a midnight drive that brought me back to my home in Scappoose just after 1:30 this morning, I’ve been about as energetic today as a Three-toed Sloth trying to cross a Panamanian road on a hot day.

Yet with a suitcase full of tropically damp laundry to do and all my gear to square away, there were simply things that needed to be done that could not be postponed in order to allow me to download the memory cards full of photos captured over the past week on my Panamanian adventure exploring the Panama la Verde Birding Circuits. However, now that the house is safe from the aroma of rapidly aging laundry and the optical gear properly cleaned and stored, the cataloging of images can begin. Stay tuned…

Peace and good bird watching.