Spend sufficient time exploring the blogosphere and you are likely to come to the conclusion that there are some superb blogs that excel at communicating through words and some others that transmit their messages through the use of photos; however there are precious few that achieve greatness in both media. For this reason, I added The Giraffe Head Tree to my blog roll and RSS feed list the day it first came to my attention – it is one of those exceptional blogs that employ both the written word and the visual photographic image in a symbiotic manner that further enhances the high quality of each found there.
Take for example the entry “January 8, 2003;” I have never had the good fortune to witness anything like this in my life. No only did the blogger, who does not list a name on either the blog itself or the profile attached and thus I assume wishes to remain anonymous, see it first-hand but also captured it digitally for all to enjoy.
Then there is the entry named “Bragging.” The interplay of the three images with the narrative is productive in and of itself of a feeling on the part of the visiting reader which I, at least, would not think possible using only one or the other of the two media.
The Giraffe Head Tree has been online for just under a year, so perusing the backlist is perfectly managable for the new visitor. Spend a little time exploring the entries and I have every confidence that you, as did I, will add it to your list of regularly visited blogs.
Peace and good bird watching.