Since its original publication, Birds of the Horn of Africa by Nigel Redman, Terry Stevenson, and John Fanshawe has come to be widely regarded as the most authoritative and reliable field guide to the birds of that region. However, like all good natural history field guides, there comes a time when updates, expansions, revisions, and other emendations need to be made to keep up with new discoveries in the field as well as in the style of field guides.
Thus in October of 2016, Princeton University Press published Birds of the Horn of Africa; Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Socotra, Revised and Expanded Edition. Still under the authority of Redman, Stevenson, and Fanshawe, this new edition has been brought up-to-date “with the latest information on distribution, identification, and taxonomy.” In addition “new vagrants to the region have been added” and “color plates, illustrations, and distribution maps have been thoroughly updated and improved.”
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