Despite the fact that the feces of humans is commonly of sufficient firmness to be picked up with one hand (gloved, of course) while that of cows is roughly the consistency of spoiled pudding, both contain – on average – the same percentage of water content. So why the significant difference in texture and consistency? It has to do with the differences between what humans and cows eat, and more importantly how these respectively digest it.
It’s things like this that cause my family to give me funny looks when I point them out – particularly during supper. I suspect that Richard Jones, author of the forthcoming book Call of Nature; The Secret Life of Dung, likely also receives such looks from his loved ones.
However if you, like Mr. Jones and myself, delight in such facts, then circle 2 January 2017 on your calendar, for that is when Call of Nature is scheduled to be published by Pelagic Publishing.