If you’ve been reading The Well-read Naturalist for very long, you’ve likely discovered that one of my favourite authors presently writing on the subject of marine biology is the very aptly-named Dr. Helen Scales. From her Spirals in Time and Poseidon’s Steed to her Eye of the Shoal and The Brilliant Abyss, I’ve found myself repeatedly delighted by both what I’ve learned as well as how much I enjoyed learning it through her lively and superbly wrought writing. Now to these she has added a new book to share her knowledge and love of the sea and the creatures within it with her readers: Around the Ocean in 80 Fish & Other Sea Life.

With the assistance of lush and vivid illustrations by Marcel George, Dr. Scales leads her readers on a geographically organized tour of the world’s oceans to introduce them to four score of the creatures inhabiting these oceanic worlds. From the Basking Shark to the Portuguese Man o’ War, the Scaly Foot Snail to the Barreleye, the Goliath Grouper to the Narwhal, Dr. Scales presents each one in short, lively essays written in a style that make the book very much accessible to readers throughout a much wider age range than has been seen in the previous books of hers that I’ve had the pleasures of reading. (She has authored and co-authored additional books written for children; I’ve simply not has the opportunity to read any of them – yet.)

With a trip to the seashore planned for Mrs. Naturalist and myself this summer, I expect Around the Ocean in 80 Fish will be one of the books I’ll be packing along to read – with long, thoughtful breaks between chapters spent gazing out at the waves and contemplating the wondrous creatures that dwell beneath them.

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