For many of us who love being out in nature, the sensation we feel when we find ourselves able to achieve even a fleeting moment of particularly deep and meaningful connection with an animal, a plant, or perhaps even the land itself is difficult to put into words. So imagine the challenge of doing so when for years one has had the extraordinary privilege of being able to sit down with a wild animal – of the animal’s own free will – not only once but daily for years and establish a relationship so rich and complex that includes reading great works of literature aloud to him (or her).
This is precisely the challenge that Dr. Catherine Raven found herself facing when she decided to write Fox & I; An Uncommon Friendship, a recounting of the friendship she found with a Red Fox while she was living alone in the back country of Montana. What she discovered about herself, about what level of connection is possible between mammals of two different species (or in this case, different taxonomic Orders), and about our own concepts of relationships and understanding are perhaps best left to her to explain in her own words – for such experiences as she has had and gathered together in this book are far beyond those most any of us will ever experience for ourselves.
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