The arrival of a copy of Tiffany Francis-Baker‘s new book The Dark Skies of Britain & Ireland in my post box this past week reminded me that I have been neglectful of publishing any notice of another very useful book she wrote that saw publication this past May: her Bloomsbury Concise Foraging Guide.
Part of what I consider one of the best series that Bloomsbury has presently in print – their Concise Guide series published under one of the many publication partnerships they have with The Wildlife Trusts, this new guidebook provides a superbly handy pocket-sized and field-worthy overview – complete with expertly drawn illustrations, of course – of one-hundred-ninety-four different edible fruits, nuts and seeds, flowers, greens and vegetables, herbs, roots, whole plants, fungi, seaweeds and shellfish that can be found in the United Kingdom and continental Europe.
That Ms. Francis-Baker should have written this valuable new addition to the Concise Guides series is not in the lest surprising, seeing as how she is also the author of the very informative and useful 2018 book Food You Can Forage; Edible Plants to Harvest, Cook and Enjoy. Oh yes, and she also has a new book about bees and bee-keeping, but more about that another time.
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