When Dr. Arthur V. Evans’ remarkable Beetles of Eastern North America was published by Princeton University Press in 2014, cheers went up around the entomological world for such an extensive guide becoming available; however there were some – including yours truly – who live “out west” and may have been heard subsequently also to mutter in hushed tones “Eastern North America? Why is it always only eastern?”
Well, it’s been seven years but our time has finally come. Dr. Evans’ Beetles of Western North America will be officially published on the 28th of this very month.
This extensive (but not exhaustive, of course – remember J.B.S. Haldane’s famous words about the abundance of these creatures upon the planet, which also happens to have been used by Dr. Evans as the title of his 1996 book on the subject) new book presents 1,428 species from all the 131 families of the Coleoptera that occur in west of the Continental Divide in the U.S. and Canada. Packing over 1,500 images into its 624 pages, this is a guide meant to be as accessible as it is extensive, and should be on the short list of all entomologists and naturalists, both amateur and professional.
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