Australia’s “black summer” of 2020 – the most devastating wildfire season in the modern recorded history of that continent – was not only responsible for a level of devastation that stunned all who either witnessed it in person or saw the heart-breaking photos of it, it is also thought by many involved in studying global climate change to be a precursor of wildland fire seasons to come.

In his newly published Flames of Extinction; the Race to Save Australia’s Threatened Wildlife, journalist John Pickrell presents some of the stories behind many of the startling images of injured wildlife that helped to capture international attention during and following the season as emergency responders, professional wildlife rehabilitators, and members of the local community strove to do what they could to help heal the damage, while scientists from a wide range of applicable fields sought to discover from what had just been witnessed intimations to what nightmares may one day come and perhaps from these uncover clues as to how it may somehow be mitigated.

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