While it is admittedly not scheduled for publication until mid June of this year, if you’ve previously read any of Peter Wohlleben‘s previous book – particularly The Hidden Life of Trees, the first volume of his remarkable The Mysteries of Nature trilogy – then I expect you’ll forgive me for wanting to make everyone aware of the forthcoming publication of his Das geheime Band zwischen Mensch und Natur in an English translation titled The Heartbeat of Trees; Embracing Our Ancient Bond with Forests and Nature.

Once again translated from the original German by Jane Billinghurst, whose superb skills have brought his other Greystone published editions into English, The Heartbeat of Trees presents a more human-centered examination of the relationship we have long had – and according to Herr Wohlleben, still have, if we take note of it – with the natural world.

I recall very clearly the remarkable awakened feeling I had when I first read, and subsequently reviewed, Herr Wohlleben’s The Hidden Life of Trees back in 2017. It was my introduction to his writings and ideas, and I can honestly say that it profoundly changed the way I thought about trees, forests, and the larger world around me as a whole. Needless to state, I am very eager to take up this new translation of his The Heartbeat of Trees to learn what more he has to say.

Nota bene; The Hidden Life of Trees has now been made into a film, a preview of which is expected to be screened (or made viewable in some other modern way) in late April 2021.

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