Of all the natural sciences, geology has by far the steepest initial learning curve – so say I, at least. With a veritable dictionary full of new terms to be learned, as well as a host of processes, structures, and other items that one isn’t likely to have simply picked up on the average journey through life, a newcomer to the field can quickly become confused, overwhelmed, and daunted (I know I certainly have been).

So when I opened up the newly arrived copy of Rocks, Minerals, and Geology of the Pacific Northwest, I was not simply surprised but absolutely delighted by the refreshingly clear organization chosen for the book by authors Leslie Moclock and Jacob Selander for this most recent addition to the Timber Press Field Guides series. Present information on minerals first, then rocks, then larger concepts of geology – it’s so straight-forward and effective; yet remarkably few have thought to employ it in previous books on the subject.

I’m very much looking forward to delving into this clearly innovative new book. Geology has long been a a bit of a challenge to me, but from what I’ve already learned in an initial quick overview of it, I have high hopes that this could be a work that opens exciting new insights and and greatly improved levels of understanding into the subject for its readers.

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