Once again, Mark Avery has not only pipped me to the post, he’s positively pummeled me to it. Not only has he already received a copy of James Lowen‘s forthcoming book Much Ado About Mothing; A Year Intoxicated by Britain’s Rare and Remarkable Moths, he’s read it and published his review. Meanwhile, here I sit, far from dear old Blighty, hoping against hope that a copy might one day reach me. Alas – the pandemic has poxxed the post (or perhaps its present poor performance is the perverse plan of the present partisan postmaster…), and all too many books are as of late going missing in transit.

Therefore, as I’m helpless to begin my reading of this book about which I’ve long known and eagerly awaited, I urge you to visit Mark’s blog and read what he thought of Mr. Lowen’s lepidopteran adventures.

Links to Mark Avery’s Sunday book reviews appear in The Well-read Naturalist by special arrangement. You can find all of Mark’s past reviews as well as a wide-ranging collection of his other writings on his Standing Up for Nature website. Mark’s opinions regarding the books he reviews are his own.

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