Of all the creatures with which humans have been associated – both physically as well as spiritually – from times that long predate written records, bears have been among the foremost. The source of both fear as well as of fascination; alternately hated and revered, bears have for millennia been the embodiment of our nightmares as well as of our greatest desires for power within as well as over our environment.
Remy Marion has been observing bears for decades, both through his written as well as his cinematic work. In so doing, he has amassed a wealth of insight into the life histories and behaviors of bears, as well as about our own relationship to them through our the myths, stories, and depictions we have created.
In 2018, a collection of these observations was published in French under the title of L’Ours. L’autre de l’homme by Actes Sud. Now, continuing in their highly commendable work of translating and publishing works of European nature and natural history writing in English, Greystone Books will be publishing the work as On Being a Bear; Face to Face with Our Wild Sibling at the end of March 2021. All who already hold an established interest in bears, as well as those who are simply curious to learn more about them, are highly encouraged to be on the watch for this new translation on their local book shop shelves.
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