Back in March of this year, just as the world as we know it came to a screeching halt, I brought word to you all about the then all-set-to-open Alexander von Humboldt and the United States: Art, Nature, and Culture exhibition at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, as well as the remarkable book of the same name by Eleanor Jones Harvey that was published by Princeton University Press to accompany it. Needless to note – it didn’t open due to public health restrictions.
However word new reaches me that the museum is to reopen on 18 September, and with it, the Humboldt exhibition as well. Of course, it isn’t logistically or financially feasible for all of us (myself most certainly included) who might wish to attend this remarkable exhibition in person; however as one who has been spending time with the book since March, I can most enthusiastically recommend it to all wishing to indulge in a nice bit of armchair museum-going.
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