If you are significantly arachnophobic, you might want to skip the rest of this entry – although I suspect if this was truly the case the word “Spiders” in the headline and the large prominently displayed image a book covered in pictures of spiders may have already caused you to have done so. However if you’re still reading, then I suspect you are not afflicted by a fear of spiders, and would actually be at least somewhat, if not indeed even rather or perhaps quite, interested in news of the U.S. publication by Princeton University Press of renowned arachnologist Dr. Norman I. Platnick‘s Spiders of the World: A Natural History.

Simultaneously released in the UK under the same title by Ivy Press / Quarto, Spiders of the World presents interested readers with a concise and accessible introduction to the Order Araneae and its more than 100 different Families of “true spiders.” Following the taxonomy of the World Spider Catalog (no, you can’t order them from it to be delivered – trust me on this), Dr. Platnick presents the astonishing diversity of these remarkable and all-too-often misunderstood creatures through vividly illustrated, highly readable overviews of each taxonomic Family.

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