In case you hadn’t marked it on your calendar, Tuesday, 21 April 2020, is Fungi Day. And as such, taking the opportunity to learn a bit more about the fascinating fungal framework that supports a remarkable amount and diversity of the life on this planet simply seems appropriate.

One way to join in the fungi fun, either on the day of this fungal festival or in the future, is with a read through Lawrence Millman‘s recently published Fungipedia: A Brief Compendium of Mushroom Lore from Princeton University Press.

Being “a delightful A–Z treasury of mushroom lore […] on topics as varied as Alice in Wonderland, chestnut blight, medicinal mushrooms, poisonings, Santa Claus, and waxy caps—this collection will transport both general readers and specialists into the remarkable universe of fungi” Fungipedia is a fun, fast-paced, fascinating, fungi foray formatted on facsimile foolscap (OK, that last one about it being printed on facsimile foolscap I just made up, but the paper is indeed quite nice).

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