If you are fortunate enough to live in an area of Great Britain or Ireland where dragonflies and damselflies are beginning to be increasingly seen on the wing (or if, perhaps you are dreaming of one day making a visit to such a place), NatureBureau has a new book about which you will most certainly wish to know: David Chandler’s A Beginner’s Guide to Dragonflies & Damselflies of Britain & Ireland.
Including information on forty-seven species but primarily focusing upon the twenty-four species that would be thought most commonly seen, this new field guide is structured to be of most use for those beginners wishing to learn more about these fascinating creatures; however more experienced naturalists will certainly also not be ill-served by reading through its pages as there is always something new to be learned in doing so with a well-written field guide, regardless of the level to which the author primarily intended to focus.
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