As I love natural history, and always enjoy a good laugh (every bit as much as my wife, and some of her friends, oh yes, and Captain Johnson…), I was very excited to discover that an auditory combination of both of these joys been created by noted comedienne Sue Perkins and the nice people at BBC Radio 4: Nature Table.
The premise is simple; “taking the simple format of a ‘Show & Tell’, each episode Sue is joined by celebrity guests from the worlds of comedy and natural history. Each of the natural history guests brings an item linked to the wild world to share with the audience, be it an amazing fact or funny personal anecdote.”
Guests for the first episode of the first season, recorded at the ZSL London Zoo, were marine biologist Dr. Helen Scales, zoologist Lucy Cooke, ethnobotanist James Wong, and Australian comedienne Felicity Ward.
For those, like me, unable to receive BBC Radio 4 directly, or who missed hearing this episode when it was aired, the program can be heard around the world thanks to the BBC Sounds service. However the episodes only remain online for a limited period of time, so be quick about listening to them promptly after their initial broadcast dates.
I highly encourage all to tune in or listen online to this superbly funny – as well as delightfully informative – program.
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