Back in May of this year, Penguin UK published a collection of speeches previously delivered on various occasions by Greta Thunberg. The very effective and encouraging title chosen for it was No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference.
Since that time, it has – I’ll be honest – somewhat irritated me that the book was not available in the U.S. European media regularly reported on the book’s reception there as well as on the ongoing the influence Ms. Thurnberg’s words and deeds were having in public discussion of global climate change (the “Greta Effect“) – but in the U.S., “crickets.” And to make matters worse, my repeated inquiries to Penguin’s New York offices about the book, particularly if it was scheduled to soon be released in U.S. were met with silence.
Fortunately, I follow Ms. Thunberg’s Twitter feed, and from it discovered that her book will finally be published in the U.S. this week as an updated edition, which will subsequently also be translated into languages other than English as well for publication in other countries. She further reports that all her earnings from sales of the book will be given to charity.
On a related note, Penguin UK reports that their original edition will be updated to this new expanded edition, and that a hardcover edition of the expanded text will also be published at the end of November 2019 by Allen Lane.
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