I have a confession to make: over the course of all the visits I’ve made to the UK, I’ve not once seen a live badger (emphasis on the “live”). So when I make my next trip, I’ll most certainly be consulting the new RSPB British Naturefinder by Marianne Taylor.
Unlike a standard field guide, the British Naturefinder presents one species per page, explaining “how to find it, where to find it and how to ensure you have the most rewarding wildlife-watching experiences.” From moths to minks, bats to butterflies, seals to snakes, chances are if you’re interested in spotting one, there’s a handy outline of how to do so in this book
So whether you’re wanting to see a Smooth Snake (page 64), an Azure Hawker (page 176), or – like me – a Badger (page 37), getting hold of a copy of the RSPB British Naturefinder is highly recommended before your next trip afield.
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