If you’re like most people, when you hear the word “pollinators,” the first creatures that most readily come to mind are bees. And while bees are indeed very important in the pollination of many of the planet’s plants, a range of other creatures, from moths, flies, and other insects, to bats, birds, and even mice and lizards also play out their own roles upon the world’s grand stage.

Therefore when we discuss ideas for how to ensure that we continue to have as many varied actors in this play as we possibly can, it’s important that we keep our vision focused as widely as possible. Jodi Helmer’s new Protecting Pollinators; How to Save the Creatures that Feed Our World offers just such a wide perspective in how to think about this diverse cast of creatures, what has been – and is continuing to be – done on their behalf, and what we can all do ourselves to help as many of them as possible continue in their respective and vitally important roles.

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