Mark Avery’s most recent Sunday Book Review takes up a new work by Guy Shrubsole that seeks to answer a very pressing modern question indeed: Who Owns England?

Continuing the inquiry began by Kevin Cahill in his 2002 book Who Owns Britain and Ireland (now out of print), Mr. Shrubsole’s new book, according to Mark, “is less encyclopaedic than Cahill’s and more wide-ranging as to subjects covered” which leads him eventually to the conclusion that it is “a very good read on a very important subject.” I’ll let Mark explain the rest.

Links to Mark Avery’s Sunday book reviews appear in The Well-read Naturalist by special arrangement. You can find all of Mark’s past reviews as well as a wide-ranging collection of his other writings on his Standing Up for Nature website. Mark’s opinions regarding the books he reviews are his own.

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