As regular readers will likely already know, I love a good general nature guide. Not to say that subject-focused guides don’t have their appropriate uses, but for me, the best “bang for your buck” can often be found in a book that takes a given area and tells the reader a bit about the range of flora and fauna, as well as perhaps even the geology and weather, of the area.
Therefore it should come as no surprise that when I learned about Patrick J. Lynch’s recently published A Field Guide to Cape Cod; Including Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, Block Island, and Eastern Long Island my interest was indeed piqued. In it’s well-illustrated pages, Lynch presents his readers with an overview of the “ecology and most common plants and animals of the various regional environments—beaches, dunes, salt marshes, heathlands, and coastal forests” as well as the “marine mammals, sea turtles, and fish” to be found in the offshore waters.
Cape Cod is not an area in which I often find myself, but for those who do, or who are simply curious about it and its natural environs, this certainly seems like a worthwhile book to investigate.
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