“I wondered when I’d be seeing you, Mr. Potter.”

… was the line, delivered flawlessly by John Hurt in his memorable role as Garrick Ollivander in the first Harry Potter film, that passed through my mind as I drew a copy of Europe’s Sea Mammals, Including the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde; A Field Guide to the Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises and Seals out of the just-arrived parcel from Princeton University Press.

Having noted mentions of the forthcoming book by Robert Still, Hugh Harrop, Tim Stenton, and Luis Dias in the quickly passing shadows of social media, I had hoped that a copy would soon find its way to my desk – and so it has.

Assessing it will take a bit of time, however one initial very promising note is the logo of ORCA on the front cover. An organization with which I am very well acquainted and that I hold in very high regard, knowing that ORCA’s administration has seen fit to take a producing role in the publication of this new field guide bodes very well for it indeed.


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