When the advance reading copy of Robyn Arianrhod’s forthcoming Thomas Harriot; A Life in Science arrived from Oxford University Press last month, I’ll admit the first thought that entered my mind was “Who?” But after delving into it, I’m increasingly of the opinion that that is really the reason behind why Dr. Arianrhod likely wrote the book in the first place.
For those, who, like me until very recently, might be unfamiliar with Harriot’s life and accomplishments, his story is truly an eye-opening one; a testament to the importance of all those who prefer discovery to fame. From navigation to cartography, mathematics to… well, that’s as far as I’ve gotten thus far. Nevertheless, were the things I’ve already learned about Harriot all that he ever accomplished – and he indeed accomplished far more that I’ve yet to learn – they alone would be more than sufficient to make his life one that should be known to all.
Thomas Harriot; A Life in Science is scheduled to be published in April 2019.
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