When something is decreasing in quality, the common expression is that it has “gone to the dogs.” (As a dog enthusiast, I’ve never been particularly fond of this expression, but there it is…) However as the cover of the new second edition of the the Princeton Field Guide series’ Carnivores of the World has “gone from the dogs” of its first edition “to the cats,” can we interpret this as a sign that it has increased in quality?

Very likely. First, it’s still under the authorship of Dr. Luke Hunter, chief conservation officer of Panthera. It’s plates were drawn by noted wildlife illustrator Priscilla Barrett. It covers all 250 terrestrial carnivore species (including new accounts of nine recently delineated species), includes updates species information, maps, behavioral illustrations, and a double page spread of canine hybrids – and is all bound up in a new larger format to provide more clear and easy accessibility to all of the above.

Nota bene: this Princeton University Press edition of Carnivores of the World is only for sale in the United States, US Dependencies, the Philippines, and Canada. Those seeking it in locations other than these should look for it as the Field Guide to Carnivores of the World, 2nd edition as published by Bloomsbury.

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