David Lindo first came to my attention back in 2012 with his memior The Urban Birder. Here, I recall thinking, was a voice that was different, had something interesting to say, and certainly came from a place – both geographically as well as demographically – that was not represented in the previous literature of the bird watching community. Since that time he has become a particularly well-known member of the international birding world, yet he still focuses sharply and clearly on his original message of the potential for anyone, from any background, anywhere, to take up bird watching and through it expand ones horizons, both literally as well as figuratively.
His most recent work, How to Be an Urban Birder continues in this tradition. With a forward by Jamie Oliver, another rather independent spirit, this new book presents its readers with a straightforward introduction to taking up birding specifically in an urban environment.
I’ve given the book a quick scan and it certainly looks as though Mr. Lindo has covered all the expected points; however I’m looking forward to sitting down with it for a thorough read as I noticed in passing that he’s also included a number of additional items relevant to his subject that I’ve not seen included in previous introductions to the activity. I’m very keen, therefore, to learn more of what he has written here.
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