To anyone with even a small amount of arachnophobia, an oversized cover image of a leaping (flying? can they fly???) Phidippus apacheanus, the Apache Jumping Spider, may not be the greatest incentive to pick up a copy of Jillian Cowles new Amazing Arachnids – and yes, true to their name, they can jump.
But perhaps knowing that this flamboyantly red-orange little spider is just that: little – very little, in fact; only growing to perhaps a centimeter in length might help ease the nerves of many who may be uncomfortable around spiders (and no, they can’t fly). Sometimes putting things in perspective helps.
Which is what the main purpose of this photo-rich book seems to be – providing its readers with images and information about the lives of over 300 species (all found in the American Southwest) of Arachnids, from scorpions to spitting spiders, in hope that such a close-up perspective will carry the message that while indeed a small number might be potentially dangerous to humans if improperly handled, all are far more fascinating than fearsome.
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