When the two volume sixth edition of Walker’s Mammals of the World was published by Johns Hopkins University Press in 1999, its highly respected eponymous author, Ernest P. Walker, had been dead for thirty years. Ronald M. Nowak, the senior author of the fourth edition and author of the fifth edition was also the author of the sixth. Now, nineteen years later, Dr. Nowak continues Walker’s legacy with the publication of the new, extensively updated Walker’s Mammals of the World; Monotremes, Marsupials, Afrotherians, Xenarthrans, and Sundatherians.

Covering nineteen orders within five of the earliest clades, this new volume includes – for the first time – full color images throughout, citations to more than 2,200 new references, and extensive bioconservation data, with discussion of every species in an IUCN Red List threatened category. Indeed, it promises to be a significant step forward in the history of this now classic reference to modern mammalogy.

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