For many years, Robert Michael Pyle’s The Butterflies of Cascadia has been my go-to reference guide for any non-moth lepidopteran seen in my beloved Pacific Northwest. However as this book is now out of print with even used copies selling for double its original cover price – and unread ones classifiable as “new” well over $100.00 – I can’t very well recommend it to those seeking a guidebook to the area’s species.

Which is why I was so happy to learn during a recent conversation with Bob that Timber Press is publishing a new book by Caitlin LaBar and himself that will replace the Cascadia guide: Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest. Part of Timber Press’ growing series of field guides, this new guide will cover the species of butterflies to be found in Washington, Oregon, western Idaho, northern California, and British Columbia in a manner that – true to form of the Cascadia volume – is friendly to the novice butterfly enthusiast while at the same time being of great value to the experienced naturalist as well.

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