I think the first time I heard Robert Michael Pyle discuss his idea for a butterfly-as-a-main-character novel was back in 2004 or thereabout. We were discussing one of his lesser known books, Walking the High Ridge; Life as a Field Trip (which happens to also be my favorite among all his works to this day) and he casually told me of his idea for a romantic novel centering on a Magdalena Alpine butterfly. Ever since that time, I have been patiently waiting for this unique and very intriguing idea to become a reality – never neglecting to ask Bob whenever we met how the novel was progressing.
Finally, in early March of 2018, news reached me that this long-awaited Lepidopteran-themed novel had in fact been written, and – with the addition of two more interwoven central plot lines – would be published this August as Magdalena Mountain by Counterpoint Press.
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