As Mark has been very busy covering a number of recent developments in British wildlife conservation this past week, the Sunday book review he normally publishes is this week more of a Tuesday book review. However he more than makes amends for being a couple days late by focusing this new column on the recent publication of the British Trust for Ornithology‘s State of the UK’s Birds 2017 and a particularly handy volume published a decade ago with which to compare the finding of the BTO’s new report: A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds.
Written by Brian Huntley, Rhys E. Green, Yvonne C. Collingham, Stephen G. Willis and published back in 2007 by Lynx Edicions, Mark does a far better job that I could in explaining why this atlas is so useful to any wishing to make the deep dive into the new BTO report – which is why popping over to his site to see what he has to say is highly recommended.
Links to Mark Avery’s Sunday book reviews appear in The Well-read Naturalist by special arrangement. You can find all of Mark’s past reviews as well as a wide-ranging collection of his other writings on his Standing Up for Nature website. Mark’s opinions regarding the books he reviews are his own.
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