oxford-atlas-world-23-coverThere are those who say that the age of printed atlases is now past; that due to the so much information being available in quickly updatable digital formats that the production of the classic large format books of maps and pertinent geographic information is no longer needed.


Not only is the creation of such magnificent printed and bound geographical collections important for the methodical, reasoned, and yes, enjoyable contemplation of our world, these collections are more important than ever as durable records in a world where too much information all-too-easily ends up down the no longer simply fictional memory hole.

Oxford University Press still creates these classic tomes. In fact, the twenty-third edition of the Oxford Atlas of the World has just been published. If you’ve never experienced the delight in simply sitting down with one of these treasure troves of information, I urge you to take this opportunity to do so. And if you have… well, no prompting from me should be necessary for your to seek out this new edition.

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