I have walked through some of the world’s great man-made cathedrals, and I have walked through some of the Pacific Northwest’s great old growth forests; between the two, I prefer the forests. Not due to any anti-religious sentiments, mind you, rather because just as many people I know find a connection to the universe whilst praying in magnificent temples of glass and stone, I find that connection whilst sitting quietly – my own manner of prayer, if you will – in magnificent temples of moss and trees.
So when I saw Joan Maloof’s Nature’s Temples: The Complex World of Old-Growth Forests in the new release list from Timber Press, I was immediately intrigued. I knew Professor Maloof‘s reputation from her work with the Old-growth Forest Network, and so there was little question in my mind that a book on the subject from her own hand was most certainly one worthy of reading – which is precisely what I’ll be doing this coming week.
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