It’s only been a few weeks since I first discovered – and quickly became a devoted listener to – the CBC Radio program Quirks & Quarks with Bob McDonald. In that time, I’ve heard reports on a variety of fascinating natural history subjects as well as interesting interviews with the authors of some very intriguing books.
Most recently, when I downloaded the latest Quirks & Quarks podcast (living south of the U.S. – Canada border it’s how I listen to the program) to my great delight I learned that Dr. Roland Kays was a guest that week discussing his work with camera traps as well as his recently published book on the subject Candid Creatures; How Camera Traps Reveal the Mysteries of Nature from Johns Hopkins University Press.
Needless to note, it’s well worth downloading this episode, as well as subscribing to the podcast itself so as not to miss any of the remarkable stories it brings to its listeners each week.
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