Laws Guide Nature DrawingThe first time I heard of John Muir Laws was when a publicist from Heyday Books contacted me about his book The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds. As both an amateur sketch artist as well as a bit of an old silverback naturalist who very much likes to see such field craft skills as drawing perpetuated among its existing practitioners and propagated among younger naturalists, I was very keen to learn what the author had to teach about this art. After a thorough reading, I found myself to have been very impressed indeed with what he had created.

Thus when another Heyday publicist dropped me a note telling me that they had recently published a new book by Mr. Laws, The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling, I wasted no time in replying to express my interest in it. And now that a copy has reached my desk, I shall likewise waste no time in delving into it. If it is even only half as good as his previous book, I shall still suspect that I’m in for a treat.

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