As I sit down to write this, the Countryside Alliance is calling for Chris Packham‘s head – if not in fact to be removed from his shoulders then at least to be removed from the BBC. Long upset with his outspokenness on matters pertaining to wildlife conservation, the CA has apparently determined that the present aversion to controversy and skittishness of the BBC might – if sufficiently nudged – cause it to show one of its most popular natural history presenters to door.
What the CA would say about Mark Avery is likely not printable in a family friendly publication such as this. Which is why I thought it so appropriate that Mr. Packham is the author of the forward to Mr. Avery’s most recent book Inglorious; Conflict in the Uplands.
Addressing the ecological effects, as well as the economic, social, and political implications of driven grouse shooting in the U.K., Inglorious is a book that has been gathering quite a lot of attention in Great Britain. And now that Bloomsbury has also seen fit to release it in the U.S., well… let’s just say that I’m keen to read for myself what it has to say about the wide range of topics it covers.
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