Behind Binoculars coverWith my preparations getting in to full swing for my upcoming journey to England and the Birdfair, it was fortuitous indeed that a copy of Mark Avery and Keith Betton‘s Behind the Binoculars: Interviews with Acclaimed Birdwatchers arrived from Pelagic Publishing.

Comprised of interviews with such noteworthy bird watchers and naturalists as Chris Packham, Phil Hollom, Stuart Winter, Lee Evans, Steve Gantlett, Mark Cocker, Ian Wallace, Andy Clements, Mike Clarke, and Debbie Pain, Behind the Binoculars will give me some very interesting reading material for my flight across the proverbial pond – and better prepare me in the event that I find myself in conversation with any of the book’s included subjects should I meet them at the fair (well, not Mr. Hollom, of course, may he rest in peace, but any of the others to be sure).

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