RSPB Robins coverThe first Robin (Erithacus rubecula) I ever saw was in the garden of the Natural History Museum. Even though it was a juvenile in brown speckled plumage, I was thrilled to have finally seen one after reading about them for so many years. I finally saw one in Christmas card perfect adult plumage in Warnemunde, Germany some time later. It was truly a delight.

Now, as I prepare to return to England once again for the Birdfair, I find myself brushing up on my British birds. And  as the results of David Lindo‘s recent campaign to discover the most popular bird in Britain clearly show, there is no bird more beloved in Britain than the Robin. Which makes the publication this coming August of Marianne Taylor’s new volume of the RSPB Spotlight series from Bloomsbury on Robins so perfectly timed.

You can be sure that on the flight to Heathrow I’ll be reading the advance copy of Robins that I recently received, if indeed not even beforehand.

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