Stargazing with Binoculars coverDespite years with Leupold developing sports optics for bird watching and other terrestrial pursuits, prior to my taking over the product portfolio of binoculars and spotting scopes for Celestron, it never occurred to me that anyone would use binoculars in astronomy. Yet there they were; massive Porro prism models with enormous objective lenses and magnification levels far beyond what could be steadily held merely by hand.

Needless to say, I needed to learn more about gazing skyward using something other than a telescope. Naturally, I began to seek out promising new books on the subject, which is how I came to learn that Firefly Books has recently published a fully revised and expanded fourth edition of Stargazing With Binoculars by Robin Scagell and David Frydman. Thus far I’m finding it quite enlightening. I’ll be sure to revisit it here once I finish giving it a full cover-to-cover read.

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