There was a time when I would have begun any essay or notice pertaining to Bill Oddie with a reference to the title of the much-beloved comedy in which he famously appeared. However after reading the forward of his new book Bill Oddie Unplucked: Columns, Blogs and Musings
from Bloomsbury Publishing, I have come to realize jut how unjust to all the work he has done since that time such persistent references have by now become.
For those who have read Mr. Oddie’s previous books, it is worth noting that the opening is much more serious and personal than any of his previous works, addressing as it does his breakdown and parting-of-ways with the BBC. However with the first essay (the book only having recently arrived on my desk, far past which I have yet to read) the tone quickly returns to the good-natured nature-focused playfulness that those of us who’ve long enjoyed his writing have come to expect from him.
Readers in the UK should now be seeing this new book on bookshop shelves; readers in North America will have to wait until May for it to see publication there.
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