Of all the effects commonly noted in discussions of global climate change, ocean acidification and its effects on the shells of the myriad creatures dwelling within them to be found in the seas is generally high on the list. But for as ubiquitous as seashells are to us today, how much do most of us really know about them?
Thus when I discovered – on Twitter of all places – news of the forthcoming publication by Bloomsbury in July of 2015 of Helen Scales‘ Spirals in Time; The Secret Life and Curious Afterlife of Seashells, my metaphorical (or would that be virtual?) ears perked up. I’ve long held a simmering interest in conchology and Ms. Scales new book – with its explanations of not only the biological but cultural significance of seashells – will give me ample justification to bring it up to a good rolling boil.
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