If there was ever a book that I wish I could slip into the pocket of every public official possessing the power to influence public policy regarding the environment, it has long been the Oxford University Press Very Short Introduction volume Global Warming by Professor Mark Maslin. Which is why I was so very glad to see that a new, fully updated third edition of this book has now been released under a new title – Climate Change – that reflects the continued increase in understanding of this global phenomenon.
Needless to say, I’m very eager indeed to get reading it so as to discover what’s been learned about the subject since the previous edition was published in back in 2008. In fact, a copy of it is already tucked into my jacket pocket for “opportunistic reading” just as a volume of the VSI series usually is.
By using this link to purchase Climate Change: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) through Amazon.com a portion of the purchase price will go toward helping The Well-read Naturalist continue to publish news and reviews of interesting and well-written books about natural history subjects.
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